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From Sea to Shining (Almost) Sea: Part Two

Before I launch directly into sharing our adventures on the road, I wanted to answer a question I have been asked frequently since we made our announcement. Why Tennessee? It's a fair question, considering neither of us is from Tennessee, and neither of our families live there. So why Tennessee?

The view from the top - Great Smoky Mountains National Park, just before rain

A few summers ago, we took the kids on a vacation to the Great Smoky Mountains. We flew into Nashville, then drove across the state to Pigeon Forge. We went rafting. We went zip lining. And of course, we visited Dollywood. I say of course because I personally adore Dolly Parton. She's an incredible talent. And she's a philanthropist of the highest degree who took care of the locals when fires devastated Appalachia and brought a love of reading and books to kids who wouldn't otherwise have access. A smart, no-nonsense class act and brilliant business woman, Dolly should seriously think about running for office.

While we were enjoying our vacation, we noticed how lovely the surrounding area was. The lush green of the trees, the rolling hills and natural beauty of the lakes and rivers really spoke to us. And the people were so welcoming and kind. East Tennessee just felt like home. Not to mention the parent company of the networks Sean makes most of his shows for is located in Knoxville. We drove back to Nashville and took in the sights, both of us thinking this would be a great place to live one day, but not sure how Sean's business could move out of Los Angeles. We put the thought on the back burner and returned to life in Southern California.

We entertained the idea from time to time but never truly got down to seriously planning a move. We have lived in Southern California for nearly 20 years and have loved it here. My babies were born here. Sean's business has boomed and we have wonderful friends who are like family. And we're only a plane ride away from our actual families, who we have been fortunate to see several times a year. You can't beat the weather, the entertainment options and the proximity to so many great things (beaches, restaurants, mountains...) Heck, we even just got TWO professional football teams! Life here, although not perfect, was wonderful.

Then the world collapsed in March and we were frozen. We did everything we could to try and keep our lives going as normally as possible. Sean kept running his production company from home since the lockdown kept businesses shut. The kids signed on to Zoom every morning, bleary eyed and cocooned in sweatshirts, to connect with teachers and friends all trying to finish the 7th grade year. And I started this blog to share recipes with friends who suddenly found themselves in charge of scratch-cooking three meals a day for their hungry families with little to no help or any conveniences. St. Patrick's Day passed. Then Easter. Then Mother's Day, Memorial Day and Father's Day. The visits we planned with our families were cancelled. Everything felt cancelled. We needed to find a solution.

My not-so-little anymore babies enjoying the serenity of the Smokies

So when we couldn't take our annual Florida trip in June, or even do a trip in our area, we started thinking about where we could go during this unprecedented time. And all roads seemed to point to Knoxville. We boarded the pets, packed the car (with lots of Lysol, hand sanitizer and our masks), and said a prayer (or maybe hundreds of prayers) that we could make it there and back safe and healthy. After a little research and a lot of preparation, we were ready to go and discover our fate. And that, dear readers, is where the adventure began.

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