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Cookies and the Calendar

The calendar from my children's school hangs in our kitchen, right above the cabinet that holds our pet supplies, just to the left of the...

Shrimp and Avocado Salad

Shrimp is on the menu yet again at the O'Malley house. Maybe it's because it's Lent and we're guaranteed meatless meals at least one day...

Fried Shrimp For Dinner

My family didn't eat out at restaurants very often when I was a kid. My mom has always been a great cook, and when she didn't feel like...

The Power of a Chicken Cutlet

Chicken breast is the workhorse of the family meal. Inexpensive and versatile, there are countless ways to cook this lean protein. From...

Pretzels with Charlie

We are big snackers in my house. From salty to savory, canapés to crudite, if you can pick it up with your fingers and eat it off a...

A Birthday Cake For Zoe

Old friends are the best friends. No one knows that better than my daughter, Elizabeth. At only 18 months old, her life changed forever...

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