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About The Blog

Hello and welcome! I'm Jeannine, full-time homemaker, part-time writer/baking instructor & faithful Catholic. Thank you so much for allowing me to share my love of baking, cooking and all things culinary with you. Food, well prepared and enjoyed with others, is an incredible gift and essential part of our lives. 


Food and faith are inextricably intertwined. We ask God each day for our daily bread, and thank Him for it in our mealtime prayer of Grace.  Our celebration of the Mass is, at its foundation, a family meal shared around God’s table, a remembrance of the Last Supper Jesus shared with his apostles, and our chance to connect with Him through the Eucharist. 


St. Paschal Baylon is considered the patron saint of cooks and kitchens. Known for making simple yet wonderful meals for his fellow friars, he often prayed as he cooked. His meditative methods made the friars believe angels were in the kitchen with him, guiding his hands as he worked. 


I pray the angels will guide your hands as you share the skills and recipes you learn from this blog with your friends and families, helping you create a stronger sense of community around your own tables. 


May God bless you and encourage you to always use your gifts, in the kitchen and everywhere, and may you always find joy in the process.  Go out and make something good!

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